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Healthy Kids Learn More

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Why Teach Health?

As an educator, you already understand that in order for kids to learn, they need to be healthy. Check out this video that discusses the importance of teaching health and how Children's Wisconsin's e-learning programs are an innovative solution for keeping students engaged while learning the "why's" and "how's" of getting and staying healthy.


Act Now! Bullying Prevention

Kids need to feel safe and supported in order to be successful in school.  In this video, you will learn how educators, students and parents are reducing bullying and improving school climate with Children’s Wisconsin’s bullying prevention e-learning program, Act Now!

What Educators are Saying

Children's Wisconsin's e-learning programs are changing the way K-8 students learn about health. Here's what educators are saying about the impact our progams are having on teaching students how to be healthy and safe so they can learn.

“I like everything about the program. The little videos provided demonstrating positive and negative behaviors helped the children identify and have great conversations about the topics. They loved the Zink the Zebra story and the culminating dart game. Thank you for providing a great resource for Bully Prevention.”

- 2nd Grade Educator

“Students are engaged in the blended learning. It is a great format for self-paced learning!”

- 7th Grade Educator

“Our account representative is on top of getting in touch with teachers and making this program happen in the classrooms. He provided us with our usernames and logins and always is there to answer any questions I may have! This is an excellent program that makes a difference in how the childen think about their health. Also, the program strongly complements our district health curriculum.”

- 2nd Grade Educator

“This year I tallied all of the referrals I received from the 14 elementary schools and categorized them according to social/emotional needs. The number one referral across the district was the need for coping skills development. Act Now! incorporates deep breathing, counting to 10, stretching, etc. I am so happy this program is addressing this need.”

- K-5th Grade School Counselor

“Very engaging; high rigor.”

- Kindergarten Educator

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