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Resources to share with families

We know that to keep students safe and healthy, schools, families, and communities need to work together and share information. Children’s has a number of vaping prevention resources to share with your school community, along with a list of additional resources that may be helpful to prevent students from starting, or intervene when students are already vaping.

What parents and caregivers should know about vaping factsheet

Vaping intervention factsheet

Tips for quitting vaping sheet

E-Learning courses to use in your classroom

Children’s Wisconsin offers several engaging e-learning courses for students in grades four through eight on the topics of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs prevention, as well as the skill of analyzing influences, available at no charge to all Wisconsin schools. It’s UR Choice for grades 4/5, 6 and 7/8 helps students make smart choices when faced with the pressures of using and abusing alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and helps them learn how to stay drug-free.  It’s Your Choice – Analyzing Influences 7th Grade, is a skills-based course featuring ATOD content (including vaping) that teaches students about the different types of influences, common types of drugs and their health impacts, and other potential consequences of choosing to use or not use drugs.

Children's Wisconsin resources

Teen vaping: An epidemic with unknown consequences blog post, written by Children’s Wisconsin pediatrician Dr. Barbara Calkins, provides information about the teen vaping crisis.

Children’s Advocacy Network provides members with education and opportunities to contact local, state and federal lawmakers on important issues impacting kids’ health and well-being.


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