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It's UR Choice 4th & 5th Grades

Its UR Choice logoThis interactive course gives fourth and fifth grade students an age-appropriate introduction to drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, and marijuana.  While exploring different locations in a fictional neighborhood, they learn general facts about the drugs and their effects on the body. Students gain tips for resisting peer pressure and learn about decision-making and goal-setting to stay drug free. A variety of instructional methods are used to engage students, including short online lessons, videos, classroom group activities, and educational games that give them the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. 

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 5-1/4 hours, including online time and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing It’s UR Choice 4th & 5th Grade, students will be able to:

  • Name two drinks that are examples of alcohol.
  • List two factors that can explain why alcohol affects people differently.
  • Describe two short-term and two long-term health effects of alcohol use.
  • Name two examples of a tobacco product.
  • Describe what secondhand smoke is.
  • Recognize the dangers of secondhand smoke.
  • Describe two short-term and two long-term health effects of using tobacco products.
  • Recognize at least three examples of products that are sometimes used as inhalants.
  • Describe two short-term and two long-term health effects of using inhalants.
  • Name the main chemical in marijuana.
  • Describe two short-term and two long-term health effects of marijuana use.
  • Use the five steps of decision-making to make a decision of their own.
  • Demonstrate two different ways to get out of a pressure situation.
  • Write down one short-term goal and one long-term goal they would like to achieve. 

Sample Activity

Inhalants Lesson

Inhalants Lesson

Students learn what inhalants are, the short and long-term effects of inhalants, and why getting involved in activities can help them remain drug-free.

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