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Healthy Kids Learn More

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Mission: Health Kindergarten 

Mission Health logoIn this teacher-facilitated course using an interactive white board, K5 students learn about wellness and obesity prevention. Students learn that food equals fuel, and they are introduced to MyPlate and the Activity Pyramid. Set in outer space, the characters are on a quest to learn more about eating right and getting the right kinds of physical activity. Course content is delivered via short online lessons, engaging videos, and fun educational games that give K5 students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. 

Delivery Method

In this teacher-facilitated course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 3-1/2 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing Mission: Health Kindergarten, students will be able to:

  • Describe at least two healthy behaviors they can do each day.
  • Describe why it is important to eat healthy foods.
  • Describe why it is important to get regular physical activity.
  • Name one "Go food".
  • Name one "Whoa food".
  • State whether a food or beverage is a "go food" or a "whoa food".
  • Name two trusted adults who can help you stay healthy.
  • Identify one physical activity that they enjoy and can participate in regularly.
  • Identify a personal health goal.
  • Discuss a health goal with a family member or trusted adult.
  • Demonstrate health-enhancing behaviors, such as participating in physical activity, eating healthy foods, and getting proper rest.

Sample Activity

Go & Whoa Foods

Go & Whoa Foods

In the Go & Whoa Foods lesson, students receive a simple introduction to categorizing foods by their nutritional value.

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