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Act Now! 8th Grade

Act Now! logoEighth grade students learn expanded content about the different types of bullying, its effects, and how to respond to it through virtual conversations with both student and teacher characters, educational videos, lessons, and activities. Through the online and offline lessons and activities, students will learn strategies for improving their school’s environment. A special component of Act Now! 8th Grade teaches students about the important transition from middle to high school, focusing on addressing fears, rumors, and myths about high school. They will also learn how to handle a heavier work load, stay organized, and navigate new social pressures. 

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 4-3/4 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities. 


After completing Act Now! 8th Grade, students will be able to:

  • Identify three ways to change the school climate around bullying and communicate them to school teachers, administrators, and parents.
  • Demonstrate advocacy through the creation of an anti-bullying campaign for their school.
  • Demonstrate two ways, in a role-play situation, to help a victim in a bullying situation.
  • Demonstrate one way, in a role-play situation, to stand up for themselves in a bullying situation.
  • Analyze whether or not a friend is a “true friend” or a “frenemy”.
  • Identify what sexual harassment is.
  • List two things they can do to ease the transition to high school.
  • Explain why it is important to get connected to their new high school, and list two ways they can get connected.

Sample Activity

Bullying Lesson

Transition to High School

The Transition to High School activities are designed to get eighth graders thinking and talking about their move into high school. Common fears and myths are addressed throughout.

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