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Frequently Asked Questions

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  How are the e-learning programs implemented?

Children's e-learning programs are hosted on a Learning Management System (LMS). The courses for grades K4-2 are designed to be teacher or counselor led with the use of an interactive white board, with the teacher or counselor receiving a username and password. In grades 3-8, students receive individual usernames and passwords. In all grade levels, online content is supplemented with a variety of offline classroom and take-home activities, expanding the concepts further. A comprehensive teacher's guide is included with each course that guides educators through program implementation. 

  Do your courses include student assessments?

Yes! All courses for grades 1-8 include pre- and post- tests to assess student learning (grades 1-2 are done on paper; grades 3-8 are done online). Act Now! and It's UR Choice for grades 6-8 also include pre- and post-attitude surveys. See individual course pages for information on specific assessment tools.

  How long are the programs?

The programs vary in length, depending on the course and grade level. Click on Course Topics in the main navigation, and then on an individual course and grade level to find target course lengths. 

  How do I measure my students' progress in a course?

The courses are hosted on Moodle, our Learning Management System (LMS), which allows you to track individual student progress in the courses (grades 3-8, for which students receive individual usernames and passwords).

  Is there a cost for the programs?

All of the courses are available to Wisconsin schools at no charge. For out-of-state inquiries, click on Contact Us in the main navigation and an e-learning representative will assist you.  

  I'm interested in starting! How do I sign up?

Our e-learning courses are available for self-registration in our e-Learning Center! Visit our Enroll page and choose the option you need. Note:  If you are new to our e-learning programs, please fill out our Contact Us form. You will then be contacted by an e-learning representative to help you get started.

  I used these programs last year -- can I use my same username and password from year-to-year?

Yes, your username and password for the e-Learning Center and the Learning Management System (LMS) remains the same from year-to-year, so be sure to record this login information in a place you will remember. You will be able to create new classrooms and register for new courses each school year. 



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