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Healthy Kids Learn More

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Mission: Health 8th Grade

Mission Health logoThis highly engaging course, designed for eighth grade students, expands on the concepts of proper nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and some common mental health concerns teens their age may face, along with what to do if they think a friend may be struggling with a mental health challenge.  As students navigate through the course, they will learn different skills to help them lead healthy lives, such as accessing valid information and setting goals.  All lessons and activities present accurate, up-to-date information using a variety of instructional methods, and are reinforced with classroom and take-home activities.

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 3-1/4 to 3-1/2 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing Mission: Health 8th, students will be able to:

  • Describe at least three healthy behaviors (including one that specifically helps keep the mind healthy) they can do each day.
  • Locate three sources of valid health information.
  • Write a personal health goal, and track progress toward the goal.
  • Identify strategies that could be used to overcome barriers and setbacks to achieving their health-related goal.
  • Choose the less processed food when given two foods from the same food group.
  • Predict the possible outcomes of eating too many processed foods and not getting regular physical activity.
  • Demonstrate health-enhancing behaviors, such as participating in physical activity, eating healthy foods, getting proper rest, etc.
  • Identify warning signs of common mental health diagnoses.
  • Demonstrate action steps they can take to help themselves or their friends with a mental health concern.
  • Create a campaign to reduce the stigma around mental health.

Sample Activity

Goal-setting Lesson

Goal-setting Lesson

Students will learn about SMART goals and how to be successful in accomplishing their health-related goals.

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