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It's UR Choice 6th Grade

Its UR Choice logoIn this newly revised course, sixth grade students will learn about the most commonly abused drugs (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, prescription drugs, and inhalants), as well as important life skills. As they navigate through the course, they will learn different skills that will help them stay drug-free, such as analyzing influences, resisting pressures, coping in stressful situations, and the difference between positive and negative risk taking. Also highlighted is what drugs do to the body, and how they can lead to addiction. Content is delivered via online lessons and activities, engaging videos, offline classroom activities, and educational games that give them the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned.

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 6-3/4 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing It's UR Choice 6th Grade, students will be able to:

  • Identify and explain three tactics that tobacco companies use to influence youth to use their tobacco products.
  • State the main goal of tobacco advertisements.
  • Identify two short-term and two long-term health effects of using tobacco products.
  • Describe how a person can go from using a drug for the first time to becoming addicted to that drug.
  • Describe at least two ways prescription drugs can be abused.
  • Differentiate between a positive risk and a negative risk when given multiple risks that teens may face.
  • Define binge drinking and explain how it can lead to alcohol poisoning.
  • Demonstrate, in a role play situation, at least two different ways to get out of a negative peer pressure situation.
  • Define sudden sniffing death syndrome.
  • Describe two health effects of marijuana use.
  • Create a personal plan for coping with stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • Name at least two trusted adults they could go to if they need support.

Sample Activity

Bullying Lesson

Pressure Lesson

Pressure may be positive or negative, direct or indirect, and this lesson will provide skill-building activities to recognize and negotiate several types of pressure.

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