This age-appropriate e-learning course, teacher or counselor led on an interactive white board, helps K4-K5 students learn about friendship, feelings, and the basics of bullying. Act Now! Kindergarten teaches young students to learn how to recognize bullying behaviors, understand the difference between tattling and telling, and describe ways that people might be different from one another. K4-K5 students will view short online lessons, watch videos, and play educational games that give them the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned.
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In this teacher or counselor-facilitated course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.
The target course length is approximately 2-1/2 hours, including online time and offline time for classroom activities.
After completing Act Now! Kindergarten, students will be able to:
Orange Tree is a question and answer game that quizzes students on content from the course while they pick oranges from the tree and score points.