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Healthy Kids Learn More

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Mission: Health 5th Grade

Mission Health logoFifth grade students learn about nutrition and physical activity and how health-enhancing behaviors positively affect their body. They will also learn about decision-making, goal-setting, and how to access valid health information. Content is delivered via short online lessons, engaging videos, and fun educational games that give students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. 

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 2-3 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing Mission: Health 5th Grade, students will be able to:

  • Explain why balancing their food choices with their physical activity choices is important.
  • Describe at least three healthy behaviors (including at least one that specifically helps keep the mind healthy) they can do each day.
  • Describe two or more barriers to eating healthy or participating in physical activity. 
  • Explain what makes a source of health information valid.
  • List three valid sources of health information, such as a doctor, nurse, nutrition labels, and
  • Identify one health related situation that requires a thoughtful decision. 
  • List healthy options to a health related issue or problem, and examine the potential outcomes of each option. 
  • Choose the healthiest option when making a decision. 
  • Write a personal health goal, and track progress toward the goal.
  • Identify at least two people or resources that can assist them in reaching a personal health goal.
  • Demonstrate health-enhancing behaviors, such as participating in physical activity, eating healthy foods, and getting proper rest. 
  • Differentiate between hunger and non-hunger cues to eating. 
  • Explain the three main types of physical activity, and identify one activity from each type that they may enjoy.
  • Compare two or more sugary drinks to determine which is the healthier choice based on sugar content.

Sample Activity

Sugar Rapids

Sugar Rapids

In this activity, students will apply what they learned about sugary drinks and reading nutrition facts labels. Students will be challenged to put drinks in order based on the amount of sugar contained in each.

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